Forums » Off Topic » Why can guys be so confusing?
lol why is it? or is it sweete to be honest i prefer living like a bum lol my bed is for passing out on n sleeping around the laptop n car mags n books on the re lol
why? its something im currently trying to figure out lol theyre more confusing than me n i come out with some right babble!!
well IMO women are more confusing than are happy with a beer sex and some food (were not that complicated)
i know ya are...your too easy to please...but then wen we ask for sumin its like no thx
depends on what ur asking aint it
lmao sorry just in a wierd frickin mood 2 day all down and stuff....cuz of a guy :o
nice big suprise asin u can break up with me over it if u want 29 lmao had a a chat n were stayin together lol how yummy
im not confusing i dont think :lol:
im usually confused lol :oops:
thats a lil screwed up lmao
im always gettin cheated on guy got another pregnant y with me and expected me2 stay with him :s how thick can ya get!!!