Forums » Off Topic » Why can guys be so confusing?
i laughed hehehe we were made to do a brain sex thing at college a few month ago and aparently i have a nuetral brain of bothequal male and female parts and im more attracted to a guy with masculine features was funny when th guys got female brains hehe and attracted to masculine features...was so funny(i love being the onli girl)
O M G Are you been serious? all this over well this?right lolEmma.. you just stop arguing now and let Andy win his argument i dont care if you wanna get ur point accross just shut it lol and when you say dont worry phil it dont mean you or what eva u said obviously it means me bet u had that on your mind for agies lol we been together 29 yr nearly there gotta be summin that bugs uand as for you Andy lol just take it as you won. despite what R lass got to say ok? lol guys aint conplicated aragant or ignorant. we just the god darn best. after all girls without would you afford anything? dont you dare say anything Em...only otherday you asked me for a tenna lmao
Phil Holmes
1998 BMW E36 318IS - RED
lmao excuse me :o when was the last time you baught emma anything or took her out :o how dare you :o and i dont let my bf buy me anything!
now now children play nice!!! were all as bad as each other as we are the opposite sex
Quote:The meaning of opposite
1. Placed or located directly across from something else or from each other: opposite sides of a building.
2. Facing the other way moving or tending away from each other: opposite directions.
3. Being the other of two complementary or mutually exclusive things: the opposite sex an opposite role to the lead in the play.
a. Altogether different as in nature quality or significance: The effect of the medication was opposite to that intended.
b. Sharply contrasting antithetical: had opposite views on the subject.
5. Botany Growing in pairs on either side of a stem: opposite leaves.
Quote:doesnt that clearly show why neither will ever full understand the other
Altogether different as in nature quality or significance:
wise words there !!
Yeh definatly wise words there!!I apologise for getting wound up but all that was said got to me! Didnt mean to set the mood down!At the end of the day everyone is the same yet all so different like someone has said we will never understand each other!!O well life goes on!!
indeed. each sex is more or less a totally different species to the other and i believe some times compremises can be met but obviously each person can rattle the other persons cage(thats quite a few wise words there) lol :lol: 8)
Indeed!! When i was little people used to say men and women/girls and boys were all equal i used to be like oh yeh as if but now i have realised it is sooo true well in so many ways anyway!!
[color=cyan:287o7u2j]i spent the night listening to loe songs and thinking of my bf he makes me so happy lmao hehehe hes a babe ...just like u lot lol[/color:287o7u2j][color=violet:287o7u2j]**snuggles emma**[/color:287o7u2j]
awww young lovelol :lol: