Forums » Project Logs » My current project for my ZR
"i know its quick ive just joined etc but im off to bed in a min just a quicky to show u folks the current prject im doing Bought a bonnet for my zr from a member on here (focusdude) got it home and started work on it straight away heres some process pics The bonnet as it was when i brung it home The bonnet cleaned up a bit dirt and chips revealed and cleaned Wet and dry sanded bit of primer to reveal chips that need to be filled more to come yet all cracks and chips filled and ready for sanding again i then used 120grit sandpaper to sand down the filler then used a sponge to clean off the dust and crap left on it then used 1500 wet and dry and then sponged down again as you can see from the mirror reflections from the lights its pretty damn smooth now Fully primed and ready for painting First thin coat of paint This is the 2nd coat and wanted to see if it fitted the car ok (it does) !!!!!!NOT FINISHED JUST FITTING!!!!!!! # !!!again not finished and wont be going on the car until the rest of the parts come and ignore the current state of the bottom grill ive taken it out!!! "
looking good hunni
Quote:cheers lol anyone point me in the directions of the other nice projects on the go on here? nice to meet u all btw "
Lucy looking good hunni